I haven't posted on the blog in a while, mainly because this has been a very busy summer for me. So far, since the NSX has been taken out of storage, I have logged less than 500 kms and used up only 1.5 tanks of fuel. This doesn't mean it's been ignored as there have been little projects to keep me busy.
Since April I've had to replace the clutch master and slave cylinders as well as the high pressure line (thanks Mark at Dali for the prompt service), my 2 year old battery from Canadian Tire crapped out on me which was promptly replaced (thank God it wasn't the alternator as originally feared), and my replacement LED bumper lights from John Bazay (mugen_kid) started losing bulbs again. He's been great to deal with and I'll be re-sending them to him for modification for reliability as soon as I get a chance this month. I also sourced an oem console and a pair of door switchgear trim pieces which are being covered in CF to replace the Tamoske ones that are slowly warping on me. No more custom CF pieces for me from Europe. CF wrapping is being handled by Marc Nelson (NelsonMX) in Montreal, a long time GTRCanada member.
In all this I cannot help thinking that I want to sell the car. I feel I am at a crossroads with it. Either sell it and cut my loses (keeping it will only require more and more maintenance time and money) while getting into a new car or commit to this NSX and do the '02 conversion which still sits in my head as the final mod needed to make me fully satisfied.
If I do go ahead with the conversion, the question then is whether I go for the oem look or go full widebody and never look back. The oem look will likely make the NSX more streetable and I might be able to start enjoying it on the road more compared to how it sits now ---a track car and not at all practical. Of course the widebody will elevate the car into the stratosphere of NSX ownership where the heavens will open and fellow NSX owners from near and afar will sing praise upon me. :]
Out of curiosity I posted my thoughts of selling the NSX on Prime and the comments have been both funny and thought provoking: Thread on NSXPrime
I also posted on kijiji to see what happens. I am not really pushing the sale, more like I'm getting the word out there and seeing if someone falls madlyin love with it and want to buy it. So far I've gotten a couple of interested people on Prime, one seems serious but need to sell his NSX first, and a local Porsche guy wants to trade his 2002 C2 Cup car. Not sure if I'm really a P-car guy (unless its an old school 930 turbo).
Meanwhile I cannot stop staring at the Route KS Madonna 999 widebody. So sexy...